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In-Home Pet Euthanasia Services in the Greater Phoenix Area

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In-Home Pet Euthanasia Services in the Greater Phoenix Area

We are unavailable until September 19th

About Us
Our Services

Pets at Rest Can Make Your Goodbyes Special and Comfortable

At Pets at Rest you are not alone. We are here to help you in this difficult time. We are here to help make the passing of your special friend peaceful and comfortable through our in-home pet euthanasia services. Dr. Kelly Collins and her team are pet parents themselves. We can empathize with the difficulty of letting go of your best friend. We are honored to be part of your pet’s passing a life, and we strive to make your pet’s passing a private and dignified moment where you and all members of the family can say goodbye. We love pets and believe that no pet should suffer. Your pet will be given a first medication to assure they are unconscious/anesthetized prior to a second medication that will allow him/her to pass quietly and peacefully. When you know it’s time or you need help deciding it’s time, please contact us to arrange a goodbye in the privacy of your own home.

Woman feeding Beagle

What Our Pet Euthanasia Services Involve

The role of Pets at Rest in saying goodbye to your pet is simple. We help provide comfort to you and your pet and allow you and your pet to be in your own private space. Dr. Kelly is licensed and board-certified in the State of Arizona. She has worked in and owned veterinary practices, performing pet euthanasia for many years. We can ensure that your pet’s passing goes smoothly. Your pet will be given a first medication to assure they are unconscious/anesthetized prior to a second medication that will allow him/her to pass quietly and peacefully. We believe that no pet should suffer and should be given a peaceful, dignified passing free from fear or pain.

A Qualified and Experienced Team

Many pet parents find pet euthanasia an overwhelming thing to confront, and we believe there are no wrong feelings when saying goodbye to your pet. Having a licensed and experienced veterinarian administering the services and guiding you through the process will assuage a great deal of your concerns. We have been through the process countless times, so we can ensure that everything goes smoothly and painlessly. Dr. Kelly has significant experience and is both licensed and board-certified in the State of Arizona since 1998.

In-Home Pet Euthanasia Care

When your pet needs to pass, you both deserve a private and familiar environment, like your own home. Pets at Rest performs pet euthanasia in your home. This way, you, family members, and other pets do not have the additional stress of a waiting room or going to a veterinarian’s office, or the empty drive home. Performing these services in-home also reduces the need for transporting a pet with mobility issues or one who is already suffering a great deal. When Dr. Kelly comes to help you deal with your pet’s passing, we treat your home with respect and take whatever precautions are necessary to ensure the safety and comfort of all people and pets involved.
